One-off sessions

As well as regular weekly classes, Olá Samba runs a variety of one-off sessions throughout the year

  • Music of Capoeira

    Songs and percussion of the UNESCO Heritage status martial art

  • Open Rehearsals

    A chance to throw open our doors to anyone who fancies joining the rehearsal for one night only!

  • Bateria Boosters

    A chance to focus on the details with one section of the bateria. Technique for tamborim, caixa, timbal…

  • Joint Rehearsals

    Special rehearsals with joint forces of two or more groups

  • Roda de Samba

    Songs and softer percussion of this very different style of Samba.

  • Guest tutors

    Learn directly from the best teachers from around the world

Upcoming sessions

Find out more on the dedicated site

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As well as one-off sessions like these, be the first to know about upcoming courses, workshops and performances. Emails are very infrequent and you can unsubscribe at any time.